Thursday, December 17, 2009

She's Finally Here!!!

Merry Christmas Ho! Ho! Ho!
So I know everyone wants to see our new little addition but I have to do these first or I'll just feel bad. This is at the christmas party our bishop was Santa, I thought Aiden was going to freak out but he did really well...anyways...yeah....

An Early Christmas Gift!!! She's a Keeper!

Here she is little Miss Alli Jai Yarn, she arrived Tuesday December 15th at 10:38am. Will just say the delivery story was a little interesting and one I will not want to experience again but I'm could not be happier! She was 7'13 and 20' long, oh and her head was 13' so no Brandi her head is not as big as Aidens! She's doing great and Aiden loves her he is always wanting to hold her and giver her kisses, he'll be a great older brother!

Her First Bath!

Her big brother loves her very much!

My mom has been the biggest help in all this I'm so glad she could be here and to help us out with Aiden. Aiden will not leave her side all he wants is his mam! There are good buddies now, I think they will both be very sad when she too!

Larry is a proud Daddy he always is telling her how pretty she is kinda sweet. I love watching him with her it's like having Aiden as a newborn again but a girl! Looking back at the delivery Larry was completely freaked out, just a little of the story... I hadn't got the epidural yet and I knew she was coming, anyways I told Larry "she's right there, I have to push, I can feel her right there" he just said "don't push, you're fine, you can do it" blah blah blah you don't understand! So pretty much as I was screaming he peeked under the sheets and he just went white his face was priceless if I wasn't in pain I would have laughed. Anyways he said he could see the back of her head!!! so he had to run out in the hallway and find someone cause my nurse had left to get the epidural and my midwife wasn't in there!!! Quite the experience!

They are both already attached!


  1. She is so beautiful! I cant wait to meet her!! And I cant wait to tackle aiden and kiss him!!

  2. Molli she is perfect!!! Seriously I need to hold her before I leave... deal? :D

  3. She is so cute. Congrats. I want to hear the details of your crazy labor story. Or maybe I shouldn't.

  4. Awesome! Congratulations! she is a you and amanda had babies days apart! I love it, congrats again...wish I could hold her :)

  5. congratulations! she is beautiful molli! i wish we could see her, and all of you. it's been too long!

  6. K, those pics look more like Aiden, I thought at first she didn't. Glad to hear it all went well. She is sweet

  7. Congrats! She is a keeper. I cant believe we had ours 2 days apart. Mom's are the best, when mine went home I was so sad. Glad your mom is there to help you out. Congrats again.
