Monday, November 16, 2009

BaBy ShOwEr!!!

On Saturday I was given a baby shower out here in ole' South Carolina!
It was fun and a BIG Thanks to Christina and Bethany for putting it on and also a Big Thanks to everyone who made it I really really appreciate it. I'm love all these women in my ward such great people!!!!

So when I first looked at this I didn't even realize the "Girl", I thought it was pretty creative myself!

Rebecca, Jennifer, and Maggie

Eliza (VT partner) and Bethany

Marceen and Dorathy (Sunbeam Teacher with me)

Elaine she's so cute! (one of my VT)

Christina (other VT) and Edith

Samatha and her daughter Jane, Sam is due right after me on the 20th at the shower she told me she was already dilating then I heard that on Sunday she was in the hospital I just know she had that baby and I have to admit I am a little jealous!

I look nasty I know I got the one lazy eye going on....? I forgot to get a picture with the party planners together but I got one of them....Thanks again!

This cute "diaper cake" was made by Eliza so cute!

I got two "diaper cakes" this one Bethany did, also very cute! I should of took pictures of some of the cute outfits I got maybe I'll put that on tomorrow, especially the little ASU cheerleader outfit courtesy of the Erharts!!!

This is a random picture but mostly for the family cause I know they all worry about little Aiden. This is Aiden ready for church, He looks like a little man!


  1. He is getting so freakin' big, I can't believe it. It makes me sad he wont know us for awile :( glad you are already for your little girl now, you'll have to send pics when she pops out :) looking forward to being an aunt again.

  2. I'm so sad I couldn't be there. But thats nice that you have alot of friends there. I'm so excited to see this baby!!So are you completely set on a name??

  3. Just a little update . . . Sam didn't have her baby yet, so no worries :-)

  4. Looks like Fun Sis! Wish I could have been there! But even if you dont need another one I am doing a babyshower for you, for me when you get out here :) Love aiden and his hair being parted haha So handsome!!! We Miss you and LOVE the CRAP out of you guys!!!

  5. Molli, this is your cousin Tami! I stumbled across your blog and had no idea you were living on the other side of the world! Congratulations on the baby girl you have coming! You've got such a cute family!
